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Kamala: Challenge Nurtures Beauty

Release date: August 12, 2024

Are you in need of some mindfulness over the next three months? Is the news putting you on high alert? Are you engaging in some challenging conversations or interactions that seem to be leading to more division than understanding?


"Kamala" is a Sanskrit word meaning "lotus". Many of us are hopeful that it will soon also mean "POTUS". 


People have drawn lessons from the lotus over the centuries to gain wisdom and peace... lessons like, "challenge nurtures beauty". Well, I've felt challenged by our political environment for quite some time now and occasionally, I even start feeling hopeless. Hopelessness leads to paralysis though, and I don't think we can afford to have a paralyzed America... a paralyzed electorate. I've taken the lesson of the lotus--Kamala--to heart the last few days and have allowed challenge to nurture some beauty that I hope will be helpful-- to me and to anyone else who would like to use it.


As soon as I can release it, I'm putting out 10 instrumental, meditational recordings named after 10 concepts that are sure to help any democracy stay healthy and far from toxic, autocratic tendencies. These are those concepts (and the album track list):


1. Empathy

2. Equity

3. Justice

4. Freedom

5. Integrity

6. Connectedness

7. Diversity

8. Honesty

9. Integration

10. Love


Each recording begins with a powerful quote about the concept by individuals like Martin Luther King Jr., Coretta Scott King, Mahatma Gandhi, Rumi, Michelle Obama, Jon Kabat-Zinn and others, followed by a singing bowl strike leading into a meditational instrumental. I've designed the album to play continuously start to finish for a meditation time of around 40 minutes, and I invited some birds, trees and breeze in to tie it all together and make you feel like you're spending some time up here at my place in the Black Hills, relaxing, envisioning a kinder, more whole USA.


Keep an eye out for the release date for "Kamala: Challenge Nurtures Beauty". My hope is to give us all an invitation into mindfulness around these ideas and help us to nurture the environment for healthy discourse within a vibrant democracy led by, well, Kamala.


Also, any money I make on this album between now and election day will go straight to the Harris for President campaign.


You can now SAMPLE all 10 tracks on the album at the link below! The album will become available everywhere mid-August, as soon as the tracks can be delivered to all the platforms (iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, etc) and all of those links will be found on this HearNow webpage.


Again, all profits between now and election day will go to the Harris for President Campaign!


Peace to you, and use your voice!




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